Auditory Processing Disorder


Auditory Processing Disorder

In this month's blog, we talk about Auditory Processing Disorder (APD), also known as Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD).

CAPD is an auditory deficit where the central nervous system has difficulty interpreting auditory input. This is not due to any higher global disorder (meaning Autism, ADHD, etc.).  

Characteristics that set CAPD apart from other global-related disorders are that these children will often have difficulty attending to information in noisy environments, discriminating sounds in speech, following directions, and difficulty with spelling and reading. It can often be perceived as if a hearing loss is present, when in fact there is not.

It is important to carefully examine the characteristics each child is demonstrating and not to assume that every child with difficulty attending has CAPD. 


In regards to the assessment of CAPD, it is recommended that a multidisciplinary team is involved in the diagnosis process. It is important to rule out any hearing loss with an audiologist, at which time the audiologist can also run a series of tests to help determine if CAPD is present. 


There is no "one cure-all" method for CAPD. Every child is different and the diagnosis extends across many different characteristics.  

Treatment plans will include:

1. Change to the environment: which can help a child process information more effectively. 

2. Compensatory strategies: strengthening skills in problem-solving, memory, attention, phonological awareness, and more. 

3. Remediation: which includes individualized treatment activities. 


 If you have any questions about CAPD diagnosis and treatment feel free to contact our office.



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