App Review of "My PlayHome"

My PlayHomeAs much as we try to avoid using iPad's in therapy it is inevitable in this day in age. We have done some research to find the best apps to use for speech development. Here is one of our favorites!IMG_4577My PlayHome is not a speech therapy designed application; however, it can be used to help facilitate expressive language skills and is great tool to work on receptive language abilities. In the app you can choose from different family members and take them about the house. Everything comes to life! The stove, the washer, the shower and sink, you can even jump on the trampoline outside and swing on the tire swing.IMG_4578Here's some ways we work on language using My PlayHome:

  • Receptive language tips: Target following directions (1 step or multistep) and sequencing events.
  • Expressive language: Target identifying common objects and labeling actions, emotions, and people.

Tips to remember when using an iPad for therapy:

  • Remain in control of the device
  • Let the child know that you will be operating it and they can touch when it is their turn
  • Time the iPad use and do not let this be the bulk of the session
  • Set expectations and you will find that using electronics can be structured after all

My PlayHome can be found in the Apple and Android App Store's for $3.99 and $2.99.


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